Because this course is run completely online, your responses are very important and should be substantive.
Responses to classmates' postings are “substantive” -- thought-provoking, reflect a serious critique that provides constructive feedback, and provide evidence of critical thinking. The number of posts met or exceeded the minimum posting requirements.
Examples of “substantive” posts (higher-level Bloom’s taxonomy):
“Nice post. I especially like how you .....”
“I agree with you that ______ However, I’m not sure what you mean by __________Can you elaborate?”
“How do you think you would use this in your classroom?” “In the textbook it says ______. Do you agree with this?
Examples of posts not considered to be “substantive”:
“Great job”“I agree with what you’ve said. Nice post!”
Please keep questions and comments relevant to the focus of the discussion group.
Deciding what to post? Please follow these basic rules of Netiquette:
- Be sure the subject line reflects the topic. Many readers use the subject line to determine whether or not to read the message.
- Use short sentences and simple English. Avoid rambling running prose. Capitalize words only to highlight an important point or distinguish a title or heading. *Asterisks* surrounding a word also can be used to make a stronger point. Capitalizing whole words that are not titles is generally read as SHOUTING and is not acceptable Netiquette. Most important, resist the temptation to "flame" others (in other words, avoid criticizing antagonistically). Remember that online discussions are meant for constructive exchanges.
- Treat other forum participants as you would want them to treat you.
Last modified: Tuesday, May 15, 2018, 11:39 AM