Chamber of Commerce Members

Chamber of Commerce Members: Background Information

Canceling the annual fishing tournament cost you and other Riverwood merchants a lot of money. Close to 1000 out-of-town tournament participants were expected.

Many would have rented rooms for at least two nights and eaten at local restaurants and fast-food establishments. In anticipation of this business, extra food supplies and support services were ordered. Fishing and sporting goods stores stockpiled extra fishing supplies. Some businesses have already applied for short-term loans to help pay for their unsold inventories. Local churches and Riverwood High

School planned family social activities as revenue-makers during the tournament weekend. For example, the school band scheduled a benefit concert that would have raised money to send band members to the spring band competition.

People are likely to remember the fish kill for many years. Tournament organizers predict that future fishing competition revenues in Riverwood will be substantially reduced due to this year’s adverse publicity. Thus, total financial losses resulting from the water emergency may be much higher than most current estimates predict. You should discuss how merchants and businesses were affected by this event and summarize the availability of support (as well as lack of support) to help resolve the issues.

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