Learn About Cell Division

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2.5 Cell Division

2.5.2 State that tumours (cancers) are the result of uncontrolled cell division and that these can occur in any organ or tissue.

  • 2.5.2 State that tumours (cancers) are the result of uncontrolled cell division and that these can occur in any organ or
    tissue (1).

    State means to give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation.

    'Tumours are not foreign invaders. They arise from the same material used by the body to construct its own tissues. Tumours use the same components -human cells- to form the jumbled masses that disrupt biological order and function and, if left unchecked, to bring the whole complex, life sustaining edifice that is the human body crashing down'.

    R. Weinberg, R. (1998) One Renegade Cell. London:Phoenix, Science Masters Series.

    'Cancer is, in essence a genetic disease'

    Volgestein and Kinzler

    • Tumours (cancers) are a cell mass formed as a result of uncontrolled cell division.

    • They can occur in any tissue.

Stomach cancer

Much of the information and images adapted from Click4Biology.