Course Dates:
May 13 - June 12, 2013

Liz Jones
Consultant, Kent ISD

Trudy Ngo-Brown
Career Readiness Consultant, Kent ISD

Moodle Technical Support:

Primary Text:
Getting Real: Helping Teens Find Their Future (Gray, 2009)

Course Description:
Participants will use Gray's text to examine factors related to postsecondary success for all students and identify ways help students develop career maturity. Using an online format, participants will clarify common misconceptions about work and career development, exchange ideas through a discussion forum, access supplemental reports and articles, and submit a final reflection paper about how this information will impact their work with students.

Course Schedule:
Please do your best to complete assigned chapters and discussion posts by the end of the assigned week. Reading one another's timely posts will help everyone get the most out of this online format.

  • May 13 - 18: Read Chapters 1-4, access supplemental resources, complete discussion posts
  • May 19 - 25: Read Chapters 5-6, access supplemental resources, complete discussion posts
  • May 26 - June 1: Read Chapters 7-9, access supplemental resources, complete discussion posts
  • June 3 - June 12: Read Chapters 10-12, access supplemental resources, complete discussion posts, and if earning SCECHs*, submit a reflection paper by June 12, 2013 at 8 AM.

Course Evaluation:
Discussion Posts

  • Make at least one individual post in each discussion forum
  • Respond to at least one colleague's post
  • Post should add to the discussion topic through reflection, questioning, or comment

Time Log (required for those earning a certificate of completion, SCECHs*, or partial credit)

  • Use this spreadsheet (also under Important Course Documents) to keep track of time spent on this course. Hours should equal to at least 13 hours during the four weeks for certificates of completion or SCECHs.
  • Kent ISD will also award partial credit hours on your PD transcript if a time log is submitted.

Final Reflection (only required for those earning SCECHs*)

Write a 2-3 page, double-spaced reflection paper that addresses the following questions:

  • Why is developing career maturity among teens important?
  • What are two strategies you feel are key to promoting career direction in students?
  • How do you plan to incorporate the information provided in this course in your own work with students?
*To receive SCECHs, participants will also need to remit this application (also under Important Course Documents) to Kent ISD's PD Hub by the stated deadline and complete evaluation surveys at the end of the course.
Last modified: Wednesday, May 8, 2013, 1:24 PM