Common Core Literacy Overview Lesson

Book on tools and ideas for implementing CC literacy

Formative Assessment Tools

These can be very helpful in gauging student skills or understanding on an individual and/or group basis. Teachers can ask questions on the fly and gather responses or pre-make quizzes for students to take. The teacher creates a room, and students just enter the room number. Then the teacher can run reports and use the data in various ways.This could be used for things like identifying main ideas, determining meaning of words, and more. Here are some of the more popular options currently available:
  • Infuse Learning
    • Use on any device
    • Allows for drawing of answers and link sharing
    • Built-in text-to-speech feature
  • Socrative
    • Use on any device
    • Has some gaming elements not found on Infuse Learning
  • Nearpod
    • Run presentation with polls, quizzes, etc. built in. Students interact via their devices
    • Only available on iPads now
  • Subtext
    • iPad app that makes a digital text like a social media tool
    • Can create assignments and quizzes and use directly w/ Edmodo