This Education Week article highlights some successes in Aurora Public Schools in Colorado and their recent implementation of a K-12 system for academic AND career pathways. The district serves a very diverse population of 35,000+ students, of which nearly half are ELLs and 3/4 qualify for free or reduced lunch.
Check out this page from one of their district resources, which details a "Menu of Contextual Learning Experiences for Students" that maps out ways career development can be integrated into existing systems of academic instruction. It will be interesting to follow them in the coming years and see what the data says about the effects of this model on retention, graduation rates, and post-secondary enrollment...
Check out this page from one of their district resources, which details a "Menu of Contextual Learning Experiences for Students" that maps out ways career development can be integrated into existing systems of academic instruction. It will be interesting to follow them in the coming years and see what the data says about the effects of this model on retention, graduation rates, and post-secondary enrollment...
Last modified: Monday, August 13, 2012, 9:37 AM