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Learning forums

Week Forum Description Discussions
May 13 - May 19 Week 1 Discussion Forum

Welcome to our first discussion forum!

  1. Briefly introduce yourself, describe how your current work relates to K-12 students, and share some of your expectations for this study.
  2. After reading Chapters 1 - 4 what is your response to the term "career maturity" as defined by Gray on pp. 7-8?
May 20 - May 26 Week 2 Discussion Forum

Chapters 5 & 6 centered on labor market data, prevailing conclusions made from occupational projections, and the type of advice given to students based on this information. It is clear that we need to actively seek current data on local and global market trends to support our students.

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May 27 - June 2 Week 3 Discussion Forum
Career mapping, as evidenced by this EdWeek article, is a growing trend across the country. Michigan is also aligned with this national trend through its legislation requiring educational development plans (EDPs) to begin in the 7th grade. Whether called career mapping, EDPs, or ...
June 3 - June 9 Week 4 Discussion Forum
  1. In what ways do you think the messages from chapters 10-12 best be communicated to parents? Share how you and your organization currently reach out to your target audience and what has been most successful.
  2. What kind of role, if any, does business and industry currently play in your school, ...