Learning forums

Topic Forum Description Discussions
Topic 1 What will you need to do with Moodle?

In a few lines, say what you will need to do with Moodle. Share files essentially? Or create activities online to support your face to face teaching? What, for instance? etc.

Topic 8 An example of a forum discussion

We are looking at mentoring more closely next week. What is mentoring? Have a think and respond by giving an initial definition of yours- it's not a problem if this is approximate at this stage. We'll look at your contributions and define this notion together next week.

You should give one ...

Topic 11 Which tools shall I use next?

Now that you know the basics in Moodle, you should start investigating the activities that are available to you and that will be relevant to you and your students.
There are many to choose from, just focus on one or two at a time.

Share your initial thoughts with other online students in the ...

Topic 19 Human activities as the major cause of recent warming?

It is believed that human activities are the major cause of recent warming.
Now that you have investigated further, do you agree with this statement?

(You can close this window/tab when you have answered and continue with the lesson)

Topic 21 Upload your examples here

Add a new discussion topic and name it by your group (eg lions). Upload your examples by attaching your file. One file ( eg word document) containing your four examples PER GROUP. Thanks!

Upload your examples here-Retake Lions!

Add a new discussion topic and name it by your group (eg lions). Upload your examples by attaching your file. One file ( eg word document) containing your four examples PER GROUP. Thanks!

Topic 22 Share good practice

Think of a way audio files, or videos,  could be useful for your course and share it in the forum below. Add a discussion topic first, then respond to one participant.

Topic 23 Clickers: how would you use them?

At this stage, you may want to think about whether using this kind of technology would be beneficial to your students.

Would you like to make your students more active with the learning process? What kind of key facts do you need to make sure students assimilate in your discipline

Emerging technologies- share your practice

Emerging technologies
Use this forum to write your first impressions, share your experiments, struggles, achievements, dreams etc. in relation to emerging technologies.

Topic 25 How do you intend to use social media?

Now that you have watched the presentation, think about which of the tools might be of interest to your practice. Which ones do you find interesting and how you could integrate them into your course? Choose one or two tools only, to begin with.

Use the forum below to share your thoughts. Respond ...