Web Presence Overview Lesson
This book explores options for creating a web presence and ideas about what you can include and how to optimize its usefulness.
Web Presence Overview
Teachers have always needed a place to put their stuff, but now it is easier than ever to put your
stuff online so that you and others can access it more readily without having to bug you! You can
use yours to do the following and more:
- A place for your stuff! (organize and store)
- Anytime access (students, parents, staff)
- Single point of contact
- Save time (less tracking down or sharing resources)
- Expand learning opportunities
- Help absent kids and Special Ed.
- Ability to include multimedia, interactive activities, and links
- Showcase student work (and your own work)
- Do cool stuff!
This module will provide you with information about some of the options out there as well as what you can do with your site.