Week | Name | Description |
May 13 - May 19 | VIDEO: Getting Started | This may be helpful to watch before you begin! |
Course Syllabus | Reading assignments and details for the course. |
Course Protocols | Basic protocols to help ease everyone's online learning experience. A must-read if this is your first online course; a good refresher for those more experienced with this format. |
SCECH (formerly known as SBCEU) Application | Complete the attached application if you would like to earn SCECHs. Print, sign and return with the $5 application fee to Kent ISD by October 31, 2012.(Instructions are on the attached application.) Need more information regarding who qualifies for SCECHs and what the requirements are? Click Here Need to access your Michigan Department of Education “Secure Central Registry” account? Click Here |
Time Log (required for SCECHs, Certificate of Completion, or Partial Credit) | Spreadsheet to keep track of time spent on the course. Required for those seeking SCECHs, a certificate of completion, or partial credit towards PD requirements. |
OPINION: Plumbers Need Postsecondary Education, Too | A blog post from The Chronicle of Higher Education that makes the case for broadening the defintion of 'college'. |
Kent ISD Student Voice Survey | Funded by a grant from The Mott Foundation and the Grand Rapids Community Foundation, Kent ISD's Student Engagement Survey was designed to examine students' perceptions of their high school experience, particularly academic requirements, engagement, motivation, and support. Also check out some of the student videos here./a>>/>>/>>/> |
VIDEO: College and Career Readiness from Alliance for Excellent Education | Highlights from a series of three Alliance for Education webinars that focused on college and career readiness and how to increase overall student engagement in secondary schools. The first examined the research behind the push for all students to be college- and career-ready; the second focused on higher education and business; the third examined the practitioner perspective and innovative schools. |
Working with Undocumented Immigrant Youth | ||
Working with Gifted Students | ||
VIDEO: Nontraditional Careers | A ten minute video on nontraditional careers; good to share with students too! |
IDEA: Activity to Address Occupational Stereotypes | ||
American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Career Development Standards | A resource for guidance counselors |
Guided Imagery | An informal career interest assessment. |
May 20 - May 26 | Certificates: Gateway to Gainful Employment and College Degrees | From June 2012, this report discusses the increase in certificates issued in the US and how they are serving as entry points for both employment and further postsecondary education. |
DATA: Projections of Jobs and Education Requirements for MI | From Georgetown University's Center on Education and the Workforce |
DATA: Michigan's Hot 50 | From the Michigan's Department of Technology, Management, and Budget, this report from November 2011 provides projections for careers with high growth potential, solid numbers of annual job openings, and good wages. Note the report's re-organization to list occupations in order of highest projected job openings versus order of job growth (as previously done). |
REPORT: Career Clusters | Another resource from Georgetown University's Center on Education and the Workforce. This report highlights which sectors of the labor market afford individuals the best route to a middle class income and includes projections for those with a high school diploma or less, middle skills such as a certificate or Associate's degree, and those with a Bachelor's degree or better. |
US Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook | Direct link to the BLS Occupational Handbook. The profiles featured here cover hundreds of occupations and describe What They Do, Work Environment, How to Become One, Pay, and more. Each profile also includes BLS employment projections for the 2010–20 decade. |
Registered Apprenticeship Fact Sheet Page 1 | ||
Registered Apprenticeship Fact Sheet 2 | ||
Career Requirement Lesson Plan | ||
Hard Times: College Majors, Unemployment and Earnings: Not All College Degrees Are Created Equal | Much attention has been devoted to the 9 percent unemployment among recent college graduates, leading some to conclude that college is no longer worth it. In Hard Times, we argue that college remains the best alternative for young workers with one caveat: Not all majors are created equal. Some majors offer substantially better employment prospects than others. |
May 27 - June 2 | ARTICLE: Career Mapping Eyed to Prepare Students for College | An article from Education Week about the increased implementation of individual learning plans across the US (known as education development plans, or EDPs in Michigan). More information about Michigan's EDP legislation is under the Resources heading for this week. |
VIDEO: Student Reflection | A local student reflects on how he came to terms with reality as a freshman in college and what he wished he did in high school. |
ARTICLE: CO Program Puts Students on the Pathway to a Career | Education Week article that describes one district's approach to career pathways |
Aurora Public Schools Experience Menu | From CO, one district's plan for integrating career development K-12. This details a "menu" of experiences for students. For the full plan visit: http://pathways.aurorak12.org/how/implementing-pathways/ |
MI Dept. of Ed's Guidelines for Educational Development Plans (EDPs) | A link to MDE's official EDP guidelines. |
Computer Aided Guidance Systems | ||
Career Focused Field Trip | With some follow up questions and reflection, elementary field trips become career focused. |
411 Glossary of Terms | Middle School Career Glossary |
June 3 - June 9 | OPINION: Untangling the Postsecondary Debate | From Education Week's Diplomas Count (June 2011). |
How to Build Partnerships with the Business Community | There's no doubt that schools can benefit from the resources and expertise of local businesses. In this quick resource roundup, we explore how to initiate and foster business partnerships. |
Looking for a business and industry partner? - Workpaths.com | A database of 100+ Kent County businesses who have expressed an interest in helping students explore careers. |
Our Children are Going to College, but Do They Know Why? | Parent-directed article about helping kids find career direction before college |
Checklist for School-Business Partnerships | ||
Connecting Lessons to SODA | A self-assessment and reflection tool that could be used in any classroom following a lesson or unit. |
SODA Steps to Career Success | Kent ISD's SODA Model for career success |
SODA Steps to Career Success (Home Edition) | A resource based on Kent ISD's SODA Model that parents can use to help students gather more information about themselves and their options. |